After a long period of isolation, we would like to invite all to explore prototypes produced during the pandemic at dMA.
Most objects are physical artefacts that have been designed and realized under the dynamic regime of COVID measures. As architectural models and physical prototypes seem to have lost relevance in online formats and remote work, we would like to reinforce their importance in our design process. They are rigorous devices for iteratively developing architectural ideas and inventing novel methods of making.
The installation showcases physical objects made of a range of materials from ones familiar to the building industry, like wood and aluminium, to unfamiliar ones, like foam, wool, or nylon. The fabrication techniques utilized a range of established ones such as CNC-cutting, laser-sintering, and 3d-printing to techniques that are currently being developed at dMA, like robotic wire-cutting, needle felting, and autonomous mobile platform thread positioning.
It’s all a blur, is as much stock-taking as an outlook of post-pandemic prototyping.
Friday, September 24th, 2021, 17:00
small Foyer
Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft
Herrenhäuser Str. 8, 30419 Hanover
3G-rule plus face masks apply at LUH campus.
ThyssenKrupp Plastics, SLS 3D, AULET