Art Watching

Elective Excursion



What does contemporary art look like? With what images, spaces, and constructs does current art confront us? What of it speaks to us, what is alienating or even disconcerting?
How do we react to artworks—what do they mean to us?

To engage with these questions, we will visit a selection of exhibitions of contemporary art in Hannover, Dortmund, and Berlin. There, we will observe and discuss not only artworks but also the exhibition sites and their architecture. We will share our research on contemporary exhibition buildings and artists and their approaches with each other through presentations. To conclude, we will collect notes, information, and images of our excursions in an “art.watching.Hannover.Dortmund.Berlin” portfolio.


Requirements for participation:

Architecture: completed mandatory modules „Foundations of Artistic Design 1 and 2“

Landscape Architecture and Enviromental Planning: completed foundations „Artistic Design and Visualisation“


Prof. Anette Haas, Sarah Nicola


Excursion Dates:

Thu, 20/4/23, 5 - 8 pm, Hannover

Thu, 22/6, 10 am - 6 pm, Hannover

Thu, 29/6, 10 am - 6 pm, Dortmund

Sat, 01/07/23, 10 am - 6 pm, Berlin

Sun, 02/07/23, 10 am - 6 pm, Berlin

Introduction at kug-Panorama_23SoSe: Thu, 13/04/23, 2 - 4:15 pm, In-person: Room B-075 (Drawing Room)

3 CP
