Elective module

“Walking, in particular drifting, or strolling, is already – within the speed culture of our time – a kind of resistance… But it also happens to be a very immediate method for unfolding stories.”
Francis Alys
Every map evokes travel in the mind. The cartographic eye swings between seeing and reading, between reality, fiction, and memory. Unlike central perspective, a map has neither a horizon nor a fixed viewing standpoint: the viewer floats above an imaginary ground.
Since the psychogeographies of the Situationists, not only maps, but walking itself has become an instrument of artistic praxis. Performative forms in the 60’s such as land art, conceptual art, Fluxus, etc. used public space, streets, and natural terrain as targets of their actions and as canvases, wherein the artist him- or herself becomes protagonist and paintbrush.
In this seminar we will develop playful instructions for “letting oneself go” in urban space. The guiding question is: How can the sensual experience of a “walk” be transformed into an artistic approach?
Requirements for participation:
Architecture: completed mandatory modules „Foundations of Artistic Design 1 and 2“
Landscape architecture and enviromental planning: completed Foundations „Artistic Design and Visualisation“
Bignia Wehrli
Thursday, 10 am - 1 pm
weekly as of 20/04/2022, Room B075
5 CP
BA_Modul Themen – Transformationen - Medien
MA_Modul Material- und medienspezifische künstlerische Projekte