During the day our homes are empty, at night our workplaces, schools and universities. Architecture also wears out when it is unused, consuming resources and sealing the ground. With a healthy ecological conscience based on current research on climate and the environment, everyday vacancies are no longer sustainable. There is something comparable in the temporal dimension, with us as users. Whenever we commute back and forth between home and work, we consume energy, time and are limited in our use.
Temporarily unused space was defined for the project as "grey space" and the time needed to change location as "grey time". The theoretical part of the study "self-regulating architecture" examines the correlation of the degree of spatial separation of use with the potential dimensions of grey space and grey time, taking into account current and future technical possibilities, social trends and challenges, as well as ecological and economic aspects.
In the drafting part, the conclusions drawn from this will be tested in the design, further developed and, in the final step, applied to selected examples of real, unused architecture.
M.Sc. Georg Theisen
First Examiner:
Prof. Mirco Becker
Second Examiner:
Guest Prof. Johan van Rompaey
Summer Semester
Honorary Mention