Manifesta 14 – Prishtina.2022

Elective Seminar


Under the title “it matters what worlds world worlds: how to tell stories otherwise,” Manifesta14 in Prishtina, Kosovo explores and develops new methods and forms of collective narrative. The 100-day program from 22.07- 30.10.22 includes exhibitions, interventions, workshops on contemporary art and culture, urban development, theory, research, and dissemination.

Manifesta is a nomadic European biennale which has developed since its beginnings in the 90’s (Manifesta 1, 1996 Rotterdam) into a traveling platform for dialogue between art and society in Europe.

An important element of Manifesta is the focus on urban development within the host city. Since Manifesta12 in Palermo, an international architecture firm has worked on an urban development project in the respective host city. Following OMA in Palermo and Winy Maas from MVRDV in Marseille, this year the Turin-based firm CRA- Carlo Ratti Associati has been invited to develop a project in Prishtina.


Isabel Nuño de Buen


Introduction as per kug-Panorama_22SoSe: Thu, 14/04/22, 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm, online.

Please enroll on StudIP.


3 CP

BA_Modul  Pflicht-/Wahlpflicht-Exkursion

MA_Modul  Exkursion