Space and Movement

Elective module


In this block seminar we will investigate relationships between bodies and space, thereby above all focusing on conditions and forms of movement. How do we move, at what speed, through which spaces? What possibilities have we not yet exhausted? And what does all that have to do with the atmosphere and dimensions of the space? Using the tools of observation, first-hand experience, and research, we will seek answers to these questions. For research we will visit the Sprengel Museum to investigate artists and their work with spaces, spatial perception, and movement. Presentations on artists from the fields of performance, film, and installation will expand our knowledge of the various possibilities of artistic engagement with these themes.

We will hone our perception of space and movement through practical exercises. The goal is to express our collected experiences and observations of movement in space and with moving space in the form of an individual work, for example a film or performance. We will support each other in this process through individual and group discussions.


Kathrin Jobczyk


Friday, 10 am - 5 pm

Starting from 20/05/2022, Room B049, B075 (Drawing Room)

Refer to kug-Panorama_22SoSe for the introduction: Thu, 14/04/22, 2:00 pm - 4:15 pm, online

Please register on StudIP.


5 CP

BA_Modul  Skulptur – Objekt – Rauminstallation

MA_Modul  Orts-, raum- und architekturspezifische künstlerische Projekte